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Call Committee

April 2019

Thank you to Bishop Ann Svennungsen of the Minneapolis Area Synod who visited Crown of Glory on April 7. The purpose of Bishop Ann's visit was to meet with Crown of Glory members and learn more about who we are, what gifts everyone brings to our congregation, and hear what the  expectations and hopes are for our new Associate Pastor. The call process can seem lengthy, but there are steps CoG must follow to ensure a successful outcome for both the congregation and the new Associate Pastor. Thank you to Bishop Ann her for sharing her insights into the process as well as to congregation members who participated in the discussion.


​Do you know of someone who might be a good Associate Pastor candidate for Crown of Glory?  If so, please provide the pastor's name, and current location (include congregation and city they serve) to the office or Pastor Reggie. The Call Committee will forward any recommendations to the ELCA office for their coordination. Please do not contact the potential candidate directly, communications will be coordinated through the ELCA offices.


Contact a Call Committee member anytime during this process if you have questions. Committee members are: Mary Leopold (lead),  Rachel Berg Scherer, Chris Gray, Kate Peterson, Jodi Sie, Kay Stivers, Ben Tuomala, Dave Tuomala and  Becky Varone

March 2019
Associate Pastor Search Progresses

The Associate Pastor call committee has been hard at work over the past few months. We have prepared an ELCA Ministry Site Profile, which describes Crown of Glory and communicates our congregation’s needs and desires to pastoral candidates. We have also met with Pastor Craig Pederson of the Minneapolis Area Synod Bishop’s office. Pastor Craig walked us through the ins and outs of this unique process and answered our many questions. Next, we will review the candidates that the Synod will send us and interview our top choices.


The call committee recognizes the great trust that the people of Crown of Glory have placed in us. We are all so thankful for the prayers and words of support. Calling a pastor is very much a work of the spirit, and we have felt your presence throughout this process.

December 2018
Call Committee Commences
​The Associate Pastor Call Committee has formed and begun the task of filling the associate pastor role.  Committee members are: Mary Leopold (lead),  Rachel Berg Scherer, Chris Gray, Kate Peterson, Jodi Sie, Kay Stivers, Ben Tuomala, Dave Tuomala and  Becky Varone.  The committee welcomes and appreciates your input, ideas and prayers as they work this important task.  
September 2018
Congregation Votes to Elevate
Pastor Reggie to Senior Pastor


A Special Congregational Meeting was held at Crown of Glory Lutheran Church on Sunday, September 23, 2018, at 9:50 am.  The purpose of the meeting was to vote on the recommendation of our Call Committee and the Church Council to elevate Pastor Reginald C. Klindworth to Senior Pastor of Crown of Glory. 


Below are the Meeting Minutes and slide presentation.


Meeting Minutes, 9-23-2018, Unapproved (PDF)

Slide Presentation (PDF)


Bishop Ann talks with Crown of  Glory congregation on April 7, 2019.

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