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2019 Stewardship

Dear Partners in the Gospel,

Our life together this past year has been focused on remembering our first 50 years of “Giving, Growing, and Grace.”  As we look back over 2018, we can clearly see that much has been celebrated! 

  • In January we kicked off our 50th Anniversary by interviewing charter members and hearing first-hand their vision and mission in starting a community congregation.

  • In February members donated crosses for our “Cross Wall” that adorns the hallway just outside the sanctuary, and new ones continue to be added.

  • Also, in February we celebrate our first “Agape Meal” and members enjoyed learning how to make communion bread!

  • In March and April, we celebrated our 50th Lent and Easter seasons together. 50 years of proclaiming “He Is Risen.” Also, throughout March and April, we came together to help fellow community members by collecting over 650 personal care items and delivering the items to our partner Bountiful Basket.

  • In April, together with Preschool Place we hosted a family-friendly rock painting event, attended by 100 adults and children.In honor of our 50th Anniversary, 50 rocks were painted with inspirational messages and placed in the community.

  • In May we dedicated the new Cornerstone marking the completion of the building expansion that began in 2015.

  • In June we kicked off our summer-long “Flat Jesus” adventures.Families took “Flat Jesus” with them on summer trips and photographed him in places as far away as Sweden, Norway, and Costa Rica!

  • In July Crown of Glory received a generous member-gift of $31,300 designated to begin the “Flooring Challenge” to raise an additional $25,000 to complete the first 3 phases of our Flooring Project throughout the church!

  • In August we commemorated the very first worship service of Crown of Glory with liturgy and hymns from our inaugural service held at a local elementary school 50 years ago.

  • In September we completed Phase 1 of the “Flooring Challenge” and new carpet was installed in the gathering space and hallways.

  • Also, in September, we made a public proclamation that we are community congregation centered on peace and dedicated the Peace Pole with the message “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in 8 languages.

  • In October members collected items for over 50 boxes that support “Operation Christmas Child.”

  • Also, in October Phase 2 of our “Flooring Challenge” was attained and new flooring was installed in our Sun Hall dining and fellowship room.

  • In early November the “Flooring Challenge” was met and members gifted over and above $25,000 to complete Phase 3.

What an incredible journey together!  Crown of Glory has nearly completed one year of celebrating who we are as a community congregation that welcomes all people to our doors and serves the Chaska and surrounding communities in so many ways. 

Given all that has emerged in the past year it was only fitting that we bring our yearlong 50th Anniversary Celebration to a close with a special worship event.  On Sunday, November 11, we commemorated our 50 years together with a special service “Drawn to the Word” with guest pastor and artist Paul Oman.  Together we experienced a remarkable worship of scripture, words of wisdom, songs, prayer, and the painting of “God’s Promise” an image of Noah and his family walking forth from the ark to receive the covenant that God had made with them.  The painting will find a dedicated place in our church building for all to enjoy and see for many years to come!

“Come and See”: Annual Stewardship 2019

Saturday and Sunday, November 17 and 18, will mark our Annual Stewardship for the upcoming fiscal year and your family is invited to “Come and See” all that has happened in the past year and partner with us as we look forward to next year!  This season we look back and see all that has been celebrated, so that we can look forward to exploring new ways to continue our mission of being a community congregation that is deeply committed to “Giving, Growing, and Grace.”

Your partnership in our mission is vital to the health and stability of all that we do inside and outside our church walls.  Your benevolence supports our Children’s Ministry, Connect and Confirmation Ministry and Senior High Youth Ministry.  Your gifts support all our outreach ministries in this community.  Your generosity supports the new staff and day to day operations of the church building that are enjoyed and used by numerous community organizations and small groups.  Your offering supports our shared vision to be a congregation that welcomes all people to “Come and See” what God is doing here. 

Prayerfully Consider Your Pledge

Enclosed in this letter is a Crown of Glory Pledge Form for 2019.  Please prayerfully consider your financial commitment and offering to Crown of Glory for the upcoming year, and complete the pledge portion of the insert.  We invite you to join us for worship on Saturday evening November 17 at 5pm, or Sunday morning November 18 at 9am or 10:30am and bring your completed pledge form.  There will be an opportunity during worship to privately bring your 2019 pledge forward and place it in the offering. If your not able to join us for worship on that weekend, please drop your pledge at the church office or place it in the mail. 

Your generous support is needed to keep Crown of Glory’s mission as being a community congregation vital and growing.  Thank you for considering this partnership in ministry. 

In Christ,

Pastor Reggie Klindworth
Reverend Reggie Klindworth

Crown of Glory Lutheran Church

For convenience, you can download the Pledge Form: 

2019 Stewardship Letter

 2019 Pledge Form Only

Online Ways to Give

Click here to read about the online ways to give which include texting, mobile app, and online (one-time or recurring).

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