Justice and Inclusion Team
Justice and Inclusion Team
Mission Statement:
The Justice and Inclusion Team is called by grace to foster community, work for equity, ally with our neighbors, and educate ourselves and others to challenge forces that seek to exclude, harm or discriminate against any child of God.
Typically meet 1-2 Tuesday evenings a month
Becky Varone, Deb Mangen, Steve Mangen, Deb Kielty, Krysta Stepanek, Mikel Jones, Dee Ann Pettyjohn, Sally Nelson, Eric Ecklund, Pastor Reggie Klindworth, and Pastor Laura Laughlin
Contact Becky Varone with any questions.
Becoming a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Congregation
The Justice and Inclusion Team has been faithfully leading Crown of Glory through the process of becoming a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation (https://www.reconcilingworks.org/) over the past two years. The next step in the process is to draft and adopt an RIC Statement that will be published throughout Crown of Glory (website, bulletins, building, etc.) as a public declaration of who we aspire to be as a community of faith and our commitment to welcoming everyone.
Watch the video below to learn more.