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Milestone Ministries

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Rev. Reggie

Senior Pastor 

952-448-3230 Ext. 3

The following faith milestones are those special moments most celebrated by our church. These milestones connect families to each other and to the church while helping to provide meaning in our journeys of faith. For more information on any of the following milestones please contact Pastor Reggie at 952-448-3230 Ext. 3.
 Baptism Milestone


Baptism is a daily reminder of God’s promise of love for us!  In this milestone we celebrate all those who have been baptized in the past two years.  The baptismal milestone is scheduled for the weekend of the Baptism of Our Lord; which usually occurs on the first weekend in January.  Families of those baptized are invited forward during the worship service and a milestone token is presented to each family.

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Rev. Laura Laughlin

Pastor of Worship and Music

952-448-3230 Ext. 4

Blessing of the Backpacks


To kick off the school year and our children’s education ministries all children are invited to bring their backpacks to worship for a special blessing!  A new backpack tag is given to each child as they prepare for a new year of learning and growing in God’s love!  This milestone is usually scheduled for Rally Weekend (typically the first weekend after Labor Day)!

Fourth Grade Bibles


All 4th grade students receive a bible for their educational studies in Connect and for their personal growth!  This is a special time for students and families as each Bible is presented in worship!  This milestone is celebrated in September. If your son or daughter missed out on this milestone in the past and would like to receive a new Bible, please contact Pastor Reggie at!

First Communion


This one-day instruction class is for parents and children of all ages and is offered twice a year: once in the Fall and once in the Spring. While all baptized persons are eligible for Communion, Crown of Glory provides annual events to welcome newcomers to this holy meal. There will be a First Communion class held in the Fall and another in the Spring. For more information regarding First Communion instruction, please contact Pastor Reggie at To register your child for the class, please click here.

Third Grade Completion of Sunday School 


In the spring of every year we recognize our 3rd grade students as they complete their Sunday school experience and look forward to joining the Connect (4th & 5th) grade ministry in the fall.  

Fifth Grade Completion of Connect


In the spring of every year we also recognize our 5th grade students as they complete their Connect experience and look forward to joining the Confirmation ministry in the fall. 

Ninth Grade Affirmation of Baptism


All 6-8th grade students are invited to participate in our Confirmation ministry at Crown of Glory. Students spend 3 years in Confirmation learning about various aspects of our faith. In their 9th grade year, a service of Affirmation of Baptism is held on Reformation weekend, the last Sunday in October, for those who have completed their Confirmation requirements.  The Affirmation of Baptism service is held in the fall on a Sunday afternoon starting at 2:00 pm. Once students are confirmed, they become voting members of our congregation.  Please contact Pastor Reggie at for more information about our Confirmation ministry.



At the close of each education program year we celebrate with our graduates!  All graduates are recognized during the worship service on a date to be determined in May as they prepare for new experiences in life!

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