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Eager to be Together

If there is one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has done during these last few months, it is summoning in each of us an eagerness to be together. Before the pandemic, gathering was a normal part of our lives. We enjoyed simple things like gathering for worship, eating Wednesday evening dinners in the Sun Hall, enjoying Bible Study on Wednesday mornings, quilting each Monday in the Bethany Room, practicing with the Chancel and Bell Choirs and Servant Song on Wednesday evenings, participating in small group ministries regularly, our children attending Sun School, Connect, and Confirmation classes meeting in large and small groups, as well as a host of other outreach ministries that all operated on their own. It seems so long ago that we gathered for these moments.

Those simple things have now changed. As a response to COVID-19, our congregation is taking the necessary precautions to prevent further spread of this virus, but just because we are not gathering in person for all those important ministries does not mean we are not being the church. On the contrary, our worship life continues to be broadcasted via livestream each Sunday morning. Our small group ministries have continued to meet virtually over Zoom to accomplish the business of the church together and begin our 2020/2021 program ministries once more from a distance.

On Rally Sunday, September 13, we kicked off the program year with an outdoor parking lot worship! Yes, this year's Rally Day was a little different, but we celebrated this opportunity to be together! Following worship, there was a children's scavenger hunt around the church property, sponsored and led by our Creation Care Team. There was also an outdoor Ministry Fair, displaying all the ways you can remain involved and invested in the life of our church, even during this pandemic.

All ministries and educational opportunities will remain virtual for the time being. Don't miss the opportunity to remain engaged and involved. Finally, I encourage you to hold on to your eagerness to meet once again in person with joy and patience. We look forward to being the church with you in a new way!

In Christ,

Pastor Reggie Klindworth

Senior Pastor



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