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Personal Action Challenge — How are you doing?


Iranaeus (ca. 120 – 200 CE), one of the first leaders in the Christian church, recognized that “The initial step for a soul to come to knowledge of God is contemplation of nature.”

CoG’s Creation Care Team set a challenge this year—inviting each one of us to join in

“A Year of Personal Action”. Each month the Creation Care website features a range of ACTIONABLE ideas for you, family and friends of all ages to improve environmental stewardship. Now that we are half way through the year, it’s time to take stock, to contemplate, how are you doing with that personal action plan?

To recap a few of the ideas already put forth, ponder your progress as you whip up and enjoy a plant rich meal (June ideas). During the past year, many of us broadened our yard use as outdoor spots became the safe gathering place. Maybe you acquired additional lawn furniture (is it made from recycled plastics?) to accommodate gatherings. Perhaps you are planting native plants to capture the moisture and attract butterflies, birds and insects that balance the ecosystems and bring beauty to your yards (May theme).

Did you make too much of that plant rich meal? Stay tuned for composting ideas in July as you return the plants to the help enrich healthy soil (April theme). As you enjoy summer days, contemplate the wonder of trees—a home for birds, animals, a supply chain pipeline for people’s homes and structures; a source of edibles for all of God’s creatures, a source of shade allowing more efficient energy use (February’s them), reducing carbon dioxide and helping create fresh air (March theme). All combined these actions help decrease the carbon footprint (January theme). Maybe it’s time to give some extra care to a tree or two?

One person’s actions can make a difference—and they can set an example for others. Revisit and continue to check the Creation Care webpage for ideas for every age and interest and make actions a habit.

Mary Leopold

Creation Care Ministry


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